www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - A new approach to rapid, genome-wide identification and ranking of horizontal transfer candidate proteins is presented. The method is quantitative, reproducible, and computationally undemanding. It can be combined with genomic signature and/or...
lce.biohpc.swmed.edu - GeNeCK (Gene Network Construction Kit) is a comprehensive online tool kit that integrate various statistical methods to construct gene networks based on gene expression data and optional hub gene information.
It efficiently constructs gene...
github.com - PyParanoid is a pipeline for rapid identification of homologous gene families in a set of genomes - a central task of any comparative genomics analysis. The "gold standard" for identifying homologs is to use reciprocal best hits (RBHs) which depends...
github.com - This tutorial describes the usage of homologizer to phase gene copies into polyploid subgenomes. The tutorial is an abbreviated version of a soon-to-be published paper in Methods in Molecular Biology. Please see that paper for many more...
http://rast.nmpdr.org/ - The RAST (Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology) annotation engine was built in 2008 to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes. It works by offering a standard software pipeline for identifying genomic features (i.e., protein-encoding genes...
journals.plos.org - MOSAIK is a stable, sensitive and open-source program for mapping second and third-generation sequencing reads to a reference genome. Uniquely among current mapping tools, MOSAIK can align reads generated by all the major sequencing technologies,...
www.broadinstitute.org - The Genome Assembly Evaluation Metrics and Reporting (GAEMR) package is an assembly analysis framework composed a number of integrated modules. These modules can be executed as a single program to generate a complete...
hpcugent.github.io - EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.A full list of supported software packages is available here.
ufmg-simba.sourceforge.net - SIMBA, SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies, is a Web interface for managing assembly projects of bacterial genomes. SIMBA was created to assist bioinformaticians to assemble bacterial genomes sequenced with NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS)...