whatshap.readthedocs.io - WhatsHap is a software for phasing genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads, also called read-based phasing or haplotype assembly. It is especially suitable for long reads, but works also well with short reads.
Very accurate...
github.com - Flye is a de novo assembler for single molecule sequencing reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. It is designed for a wide range of datasets, from small bacterial projects to large mammalian-scale assemblies. The...
github.com - Helitron-like elements (HLE1 and HLE2) are DNA transposons. They have been found in diverse species and seem to play significant roles in the evolution of host genomes. Although known for over twenty years, Helitron sequences are still challenging...
github.com - The first and the only pre-alignment filtering algorithm that works efficiently and fast on modern CPU, FPGA, and GPU architectures. SneakySnake greatly (by more than two orders of magnitude) expedites sequence alignment calculation for both short...
github.com - lordFAST is a sensitive tool for mapping long reads with high error rates. lordFAST is specially designed for aligning reads from PacBio sequencing technology but provides the user the ability to change alignment parameters depending on the reads...
github.com - Heap, that enables robustly sensitive and accurate calling of SNPs, particularly with a low coverage NGS data, which must be aligned to the reference genome sequences in advance. To reduce false positive SNPs, Heap determines genotypes and calls...
clark.cs.ucr.edu - CLARK, a method based on a supervised sequence classification using discriminative k-mers. Considering two distinct specific classification problems (see the article for details), namely (1) the taxonomic classification of metagenomic reads to...
sysomics.com - DeepHiC is a GAN-based model for enhancing Hi-C data resolution. We developed this server for helping researchers to enhance their own low-resolution data by a few steps of clicks. Ab initio training could be performed according to our published...
https://plast.inria.fr/ - PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms.
Relying on unique software architecture,...
www.fishbrowser.org - P_RNA_scaffolder is a novel scaffolding tool using Pair-end RNA-seq to scaffold genome fragments. The method is suitable for most genomes. The program could utilize Illumina Paired-end RNA-sequencing reads from target speciesies. Our method provides...