www.littlest.co.uk - Miropeats discovers regions of sequence similarity amongst any set of DNA sequences and then presents this similarity information graphically. Sequence similarity searching is a very general tool that forms the basis of many different biological...
http://www.ub.edu/dnasp/ - DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms using data from a single locus (a multiple sequence aligned -MSA data), or from several loci (a Multiple-MSA data, such as formats generated by some...
github.com - R Package to visualize alignments between two or multiple DNA sequences includinga number of functionalities to facilitate processing of alignments in PAF format.
SVbyEye, an open-source R package to visualize and annotate sequence-to-sequence...
www.bioinf.jku.at - The kebabs package provides functionality for kernel based analysis of biological sequences via Support Vector Machine (SVM) based methods. Biological sequences include DNA, RNA, and amino acid (AA) sequences. Sequence kernels define...
We are a computational biology lab that develops novel methods for analysis of DNA and RNA sequences. Our research includes software for aligning and assembling RNA-seq data, whole-genome assembly, and microbiome analysis. We work closely with...
bix.ucsd.edu - BLASR (Basic Local Alignment with Successive Refinement) for mapping Single Molecule Sequencing (SMS) reads that are thousands to tens of thousands of bases long with divergence between the read and genome dominated by insertion and deletion...
metagraph.ethz.ch - The MetaGraph framework is designed to work with a wide range of input data sets, indexing from a few samples up to the contents of entire archives with hundreds of thousands of records. The indexing workflow always follows the same principle,...
molevol.cmima.csic.es - Gblocks eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of a DNA or protein alignment so that it becomes more suitable for phylogenetic analysis. This server implements the most important features of the Gblocks program to make its...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Mulan: Multiple-sequence local alignment and visualization for studying function and evolution
Mulan (http://mulan.dcode.org/), a novel method and a network server for comparing multiple draft and finished-quality sequences to identify functional...
github.com - SMASH is a completely alignment-free method to find and visualise rearrangements between pairs of DNA sequences. The detection is based on relative compression, namely using a FCM, also known as Markov model, of high context order (typically...