- CrossMap is a program for convenient conversion of genome coordinates (or annotation files) between different assemblies (such as Human hg18 (NCBI36) <> hg19 (GRCh37), Mouse mm9 (MGSCv37) <> mm10 (GRCm38)).
It supports most commonly... - KAT is a suite of tools that analyse jellyfish hashes or sequence files (fasta or fastq) using kmer counts. The following tools are currently available in KAT:
hist: Create an histogram of k-mer occurrences from a sequence file. Adds metadata in... - P_RNA_scaffolder is a novel scaffolding tool using Pair-end RNA-seq to scaffold genome fragments. The method is suitable for most genomes. The program could utilize Illumina Paired-end RNA-sequencing reads from target speciesies. Our method provides... - Synima written in Perl, which uses the graphical features of R. Synima takes orthologues computed from reciprocal best BLAST hits or OrthoMCL, and DAGchainer, and outputs an overview of genome-wide synteny in PDF. Each of these programs are included... - ANItools is a software package written by PERL scripts that can be run in a Linux/Unix system. If you want to compare bacterial genomes and calculate their average nucleotide identity (ANI), you could download and run this program directly. Or you... - LTR_retriever is a command line program (in Perl) for accurate identification of LTR retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) from outputs of LTRharvest, LTR_FINDER, and/or MGEScan-LTR and generating non-redundant LTR-RT library for genome annotations.
Scientists have reconstructed the genome of an ancient human who lived nearly 5,700 years ago in Southern Denmark from the birch pitch- an ancient tar-like substance.
On Jan 10 2020, while news of the first fatality was barely trickling in, the 29,903 letters constituting the viral genome from an affected individual in Wuhan had already been elucidated (even though a few corrections were made subsequently). - We have developed the Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical summary of an annotated genome. We envisage its use during annotation jamborees, genome comparison and for use by developers...