1001genomes.org - GenomeMapper is a short read mapping tool designed for accurate read alignments. It quickly aligns millions of reads either with ungapped or gapped alignments. It can be used to align against multiple genomes simulanteously or against a single...
www.healthcare.uiowa.edu - Long read alignment analysis. Generate a reports on sequence alignments for mappability vs read sizes, error patterns, annotations and rarefraction curve analysis. The most basic analysis only requires a BAM file, and outputs a web browser...
github.com - rHAT is a seed-and-extension-based noisy long read alignment tool. It is suitable for aligning 3rd generation sequencing reads which are in large read length with relatively high error rate, especially Pacbio's Single Molecule Read-time (SMRT)...
github.com - The ability to generate massive amounts of sequencing data continues to overwhelm the processing capacity of existing algorithms and compute infrastructures. In this work, we explore the use of hardware/software co-design and hardware acceleration...
www.bioinformatics.nl - Caretta – a multiple protein structure alignment and feature extraction suite
Caretta, a multiple structure alignment suite meant for homologous but sequentially divergent protein families which consistently returns accurate alignments...
compbio.case.edu - Seal is a comprehensive sequencing simulation and alignment tool evaluation suite. This software (implemented in Java) provides several utilities that can be used to evaluate alignment algorithms, including:
Reading a pre-existing reference...
github.com - sourmash is a k-mer analysis multitool, and we aim to provide stable, robust programmatic and command-line APIs for a variety of sequence comparisons. Some of our special sauce includes:
FracMinHash sketching, which enables accurate...
http://mgra.cblab.org/ - MGRA (Multiple Genome Rearrangements and Ancestors) is a tool for reconstruction of ancestor genomes and evolutionary history of extant genomes.
It takes as an input a set of genomes represented as sequences of genes (or synteny blocks) and...
genomicus.biologie.ens.fr - Genomicus is a genome browser that enables users to navigate in genomes in several dimensions: linearly along chromosome axes, transversaly across different species, and chronologicaly along evolutionary time.
Once a query gene has been entered, it...