Scientists have reconstructed the genome of an ancient human who lived nearly 5,700 years ago in Southern Denmark from the birch pitch- an ancient tar-like substance. - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ...
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Your genome, every human's genome, consists of a unique DNA sequence of A's, T's, C's and G's that tell your cells how to operate. Thanks to technological... - SIMBA, SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies, is a Web interface for managing assembly projects of bacterial genomes. SIMBA was created to assist bioinformaticians to assemble bacterial genomes sequenced with NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS)...
RAST – Web tool (upload contigs), uses the subsystems in the SEED database and provides detailed annotation and pathway analysis. Takes several hours per genome but I think this is the best way to get a high quality annotation... - MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. MECAT employs novel alignment and error correction algorithms that are much more efficient than the state of art of aligners and... - P_RNA_scaffolder is a novel scaffolding tool using Pair-end RNA-seq to scaffold genome fragments. The method is suitable for most genomes. The program could utilize Illumina Paired-end RNA-sequencing reads from target speciesies. Our method provides... - We propose AirLift, a methodology and tool for comprehensively moving mappings and annotations from one genome to another similar genome while maintaining the accuracy of a full mapper. - SeqMule takes single-end or paird-end FASTQ or BAM files, generates a script consisting of more than 10 popular alignment, analysis tools and runs the script line by line. Users can change the pipeline or fine-tune the parameters by modifying its...