webs.iiitd.edu.in - Fragile sites are specific chromosomal region that exhibit an increased frequency of chromosdomal breakge when cells are exposed to replicative stress. Since from the discovery of chromosomal fragile sites/regions (CFS), several line of evidence...
console.cloud.google.com - List of publically available databases on google server.
More at https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/download/bundle
ivory.idyll.org - DNA k-mers underlie much of our assembly work, and we (along with many others!) have spent a lot of time thinking about how to store k-mer graphs efficiently, discard redundant data, and count them efficiently.
More recently, we've...
A new “Download assemblies” button is now available in the Assembly database. This makes it easy to download data for multiple genomes without having to write scripts.
www.cbs.dtu.dk - he CMG-biotools system presents a stand-alone interface for comparative microbial genomics. The package is a customized operating system, based on Xubuntu 10.10, available through the open source Ubuntu project. The system can be installed on a...
bernatgel.github.io - karyoploteR is an R package to create karyoplots, that is, representations of whole genomes with arbitrary data plotted on them. It is inspired by the R base graphics system and does not depend on other graphics packages. The aim of karyoploteR...
github.com - Heap, that enables robustly sensitive and accurate calling of SNPs, particularly with a low coverage NGS data, which must be aligned to the reference genome sequences in advance. To reduce false positive SNPs, Heap determines genotypes and calls...
https://epiviz.github.io/ - Epiviz is an interactive visualization tool for functional genomics data. It supports genome navigation like other genome browsers, but allows multiple visualizations of data within genomic regions using scatterplots, heatmaps and other...