www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - Sequence - Evolution - Function is an introduction to the computational approaches that play a critical role in the emerging new branch of biology known as functional genomics. The book provides the reader with an understanding of the...
Study the process of Adaptive Evolution, during which species adopt novel traits to overcome challenges. We retrace the evolutionary histories of genomic elements to determine the changes underlying adaptation and to discover previously unknown...
In the Genomic Microbiology Group of Prof. Tal Dagan at the Institute
of Microbiology at Kiel University, Germany, a
Postdoc position (m/w/d)
in the field of computational evolutionary microbiology is available
for an initially limited...
For scientists in the MBL’s Gribble Lab, the rotifer (Brachionus manjavacas) is used as a model organism to study evolution, stress responses, the biology of aging, and maternal effects. Rotifers are small, easy to grow in the lab, have a short...
Genome sequencing projects have enormous potential for benefiting human endeavors. However, just as acquiring a language's vocabulary does not enable one to speak it, databases that list the amino acid composition of proteins do not directly tell us...
sourceforge.net - MimicrEE2, a multi-threaded Java program for genome-wide forward simulations of evolving populations. MimicrEE2 enables the convenient usage of available genomic resources, supports biological particulars of model organism frequently used in E&R...
http://alfsim.org/#index - Artificial Life Framework (ALF) simulates a root genome into a number of related genomes. Result files include the resulting gene sequences, true tree and true MSAs. A description of ALF can be found in the following article:
Daniel A Dalquen,...
Applications are invited for the position of Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology (Bioinformatics).
We are seeking a person with a relevant doctorate, and...
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