- Choosing whether to use second or third generation sequencing platforms can lead to trade-offs between accuracy and read length. Several studies require long and accurate reads including de novo assembly, fusion and structural variation detection.... - An error correction method that uses long reads only. The method consists of two phases: first, we use an iterative alignment-free correction method based on de Bruijn graphs with increasing length of k-mers, and second, the corrected reads are... - Rainbow is developed to provide an ultra-fast and memory-efficient solution to clustering and assembling short reads produced by RAD-seq. First, Rainbow clusters reads using a spaced seed method. Then, Rainbow implements a heterozygote calling like... - In this lab we will perform de novo genome assembly of a bacterial genome. You will be guided through the genome assembly starting with data quality control, through to building contigs and analysis of the results. At the end of the lab you will... - Call sviper
~$ ./sviper -s short-reads.bam -l long-reads.bam -r ref.fa -c variants.vcf -o polished_variants
This will output a polished_variants.vcf file, that contains all the refined variants.
Sometimes it is helpful to look at the... - Rcorrector has an accuracy higher than or comparable to existing methods, including the only other method (SEECER) designed for RNA-seq reads, and is more time and memory efficient. With a 5 GB memory footprint for 100 million reads, it can be run... - This is a scaffold assembler designed for stLFR reads[1]. It uses the link-reads information from stLFR reads to assemble contigs to scaffolds.
Here is an illustration of this pipeline: - SHAMAN is a shiny application for differential analysis of metagenomic data (16S, 18S, 23S, 28S, ITS and WGS) including bioinformatics treatment of raw reads for targeted metagenomics, statistical analysis and results visualization with a large... - FastProNGS to integrate the quality control process with automatic adapter removal. Parallel processing was implemented to speed up the process by allocating multiple threads. Compared with similar up-to-date preprocessing tools, FastProNGS is by... - What is a k-mer anyway? A k-mer is just a sequence of k characters in a string (or nucleotides in a DNA sequence). Now, it is important to remember that to get all k-mers from a sequence you need to get...