- mosdepth can output:
per-base depth about 2x as fast samtools depth--about 25 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome.mean per-window depth given a window size--as would be used for CNV calling.the mean per-region given a BED file of regions.a... - HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation... - Parliament2 identifies structural variants in a given sample relative to a reference genome. These structural variants cover large deletion events that are called as Deletions of a region, Insertions of a sequence into a region, Duplications of a... - This tool extracts heterozygous kmer pairs from kmer count databases and performs gymnastics with them. We are able to disentangle genome structure by comparing the sum of kmer pair coverages (CovA + CovB) to their relative coverage (CovB / (CovA +... - SNPGenie is a Perl script for estimating evolutionary parameters, mainly from pooled next-generation sequencing (NGS) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variant data. SNP reports (acceptable in a variety of formats) much each correspond to a... - Reference free SNP search for comparative population genomics: multiple samples run simultanously. **experimental phase, compiles and runs with OpenMPI-1.8.8 with Intel Compiler only
Cycles enumeration (aka Bubbles) as part of de novo de bruijn... - DAVI consists of models for both global and local alignment and for variant calling. We have evaluated the performance of DAVI against existing state-of-the-art tool sets and found that its accuracy and performance is comparable to existing tools... - Variation graphs provide a succinct encoding of the sequences of many genomes. A variation graph (in particular as implemented in vg) is composed of:
nodes, which are labeled by sequences and ids
edges, which connect two nodes via either of...