Results for "ONT"


  • BOL

    About me: An academic pursuit that will leverage the managerial, analytical and entrepreneurial skills I have gained during my education and internships to contribute towards the growth of the organization and my own in the service of community.

    3064 days ago

  • Deepak

    About me: .... and loving guy who also seeks divine love from others .... And I also like finding connections in the unexpected. Any questions or curiosities? contact me.

    3738 days ago

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  • LINKS those produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd. It can be used to scaffold high-quality draft genome assemblies with any long sequences (eg. ONT reads, PacBio reads, another...

    2877 days ago

  • ONT assembly and Illumina polishing pipeline

    ...wing steps: Assembly of nanopore reads using Canu. Polish canu contigs using racon (optional). Map a paired-end Illumina dataset onto the contigs obtained in the...

    2493 days ago

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  • Long read extraction #Reads #Extractions #Long #PacBio #Ont

    2244 days ago

  • how to polish a genome assembly #polish #nanopolish #ont #nanopore #consensus

    2071 days ago

  • +1 more Wire posts

