Results for "Exchange"


  • Dynamic chromosome breakpoints !!!

    ..., the chromosomes are free to undergo recombination which involves the exchange of genetic material either be...omosome. During recombination, the precise breakage of each strand, exchange between the strands, and seal...

    3581 days ago

  • Exchange Programme for Indian scientist !!

    ...n various scientific institutions and organizations in the country for exchange of ideas, knowledge, establis...aboratories and institutions abroad. The Academy has an International Exchange Programme with Academies/Orga...

    1628 days ago

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Opportunity posts

  • Genome2014

    ...ortance of the insights that are being gained through these methods are very exiting and challenging. It is the perfect time to come together and exchange new knowledge and technologie...

    3883 days ago

  • Charpak exchange program

    ...s degree level, who wish to undertake a study exchange semester programme in to six months). BENEFITS The Charpak exchange program offers the following...

    206 days ago

