Results for "San Raffaele Scientific Institute"




Discussion topics


  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    I found several useful bioinformatics articles w...nd elaborate the bioinformatics in scientific way. Therefore, instead of wr...n genome By D. L. Brutlag, in Scientific American: Introduction to Mol...s hot career By Stacey Wells, San Franc...

    4059 days ago

  • Virtual Bioinformatics Online Tutorial

    There are several vitual online bioinfo...ovide some of them: Virtual directory Weizmann Institute of Science Genome and #6, 236606) - Israel Institute of Technology CSE 590BI ...;- University of California at Santa Cruz Virtual Bioinformatics Dist...

    4059 days ago

  • +3 more Pages

Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Very informative and useful suggestion for scientific community by Faye Hicks #Thesis #Science

    4008 days ago

  • Bioinformatics assistant opening #Opportunity #Jobs #Project #ResearchAssistant #Bose #Institute

    3612 days ago

  • +9 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts



  • Parse the NCBI taxonomy database with Perl !

    use Bio::DB::Taxonomy; use warnings; my $sps="human"; # Get one from { print "Try again with correct scientific name\n"; exit;} print "; #foreach (@taxa) {print $_->scientific_name ; print "--";} my @ta...age; foreach (@lineage) {print $_->scientifi...

    1311 days ago

  • Install Packages in Python

    #Create a conda environment. #Install a Python package in the terminal using conda. $ conda create -n myenv $...rge - defaults dependencies: - python=3.7 - matplotlib # Core scientifi...

    1100 days ago

  • +2 more Bio-Scripts


  • Tryst with a Bioinformatician # Dr Altan Kara

    ...Engineering and Biotechnology Institute at TUBITAK MAM Research Center...BOL users. At my current Institute, I am working in the field of.... What was your greatest scientific disappointment in life till...not experience any memorable scientific disappointment in my life. :...

    2500 days ago


  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    This group meant to discuss different sequencing methods and their data analysis. Now, sequencing is almost one of the most popular technique scientifi...

    4046 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP)

    Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP)

    Hey! Welcome to Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP) series group....The BioinformaticsOnline (BOL), a bio...L team. It was recognized that with the introduction of new technologies and scientifi...

    3846 days ago