Results for "multiple"


  • Understanding liftOver !

    ...sects one chain Split in new: Sequence insufficiently intersects multiple chains Duplicated in new: Sequence sufficiently intersects multiple chains Boundary problem:...

    2188 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...tein motif (Prosite and Pfam) in a protein sequence. MultiBind -- Multiple Alignment of Protein Binding...nteraction Search Find homologous protein-protein interactions across multiple species. PPSearch Searc...

    2021 days ago

  • Understanding reads mapping and flags !

    ...hat is considered the representative alignment. One read can align to multiple positions, we can find one al...Alignment and Secondary Alignment: A read may map ambiguously to multiple locations, e.g. due to repeat...

    1865 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    ...record is split by the FS delimiter, # which defaults to white-space (multiple spaces,tabs count as one) #...) ? "Starting with count of 0" : "Huh?"; # Blocks consisting of multiple lines use braces while (...

    1864 days ago

  • New Machine Learning Packages in R

    ...ware library for automated machine learning. See README for an example. MTPS v0.1.9: Implements functions to predict simultaneous multiple outcomes based on revised sta...

    1528 days ago

  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps !

    ...ols) Genome-wide and amplicon coverage QC plots (mosdepth) Choice of multiple variant calling and consensus...vo assembly Primer trimming (Cutadapt; amplicon data only) Choice of multiple assembly tools (SPAdes || Uni...

    905 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    ...–23, CoMSA Compressor of multiple sequence alignments of protei...sp;CoMSA: compression of protein multiple sequence alignment files,&nbs...11; 27(6):860–862, FAMSA Multiple sequence alignment designed f...wing queries for a collection of multiple genome sequences. •&nbs...

    891 days ago

  • List of comparative genomics resources !

    ...owser -- A Tool for Visualizing and Accessing Data from Comparisons of Multiple Vertebrate Genomes Access to...otozoan genomes Database hosting genomics and post-genomics data from multiple protozoans. Pseudofam --...

    705 days ago

  • SLURM Commands

    ...cussion about using the file systems on the cluster.Then it sets the environment specific to the application and starts the application on one or multiple nodes - see sbatch sample scr...

    697 days ago

  • Calculate the significance of the difference between two trends

    ...pare two groups (non-parametric) ANOVA aov() or anova() Compare multiple groups (parametric) Kruskal-Wallis kruskal.test() Compare multiple groups (non-parametric)...

    446 days ago