Results for "Single cell sequencing"


  • List of motif discovery tools !

    In genetics, a sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pat...onal modifications and find potential single amino acid substitutions in...NetworKIN -- a resource for exploring cellular phosphorylation networks...te 2.0 -- Proteome-wide prediction of cell signa...

    2028 days ago

  • Understating pacbio reads name !

    m140415_143853_42175_c100635972550000001823121909121417_s1_p0/553/3100_11230 0.99 24 └1┘└─────2─────┘└──3─┘└────... movie Time of Run Start (yymmdd_hhmmss) Instrument Serial Number SMRT Cell Barco...

    2025 days ago

  • CANU genome assembly parameters !

    Choose the appropriate parameters to run Canu and run it. The assembly will take about an...sp;-maxThreads=2) and you would like to disable cluster option, since we compute on a single Ama...

    1980 days ago

  • Understanding reads mapping and flags !

    Linear Alignment: An alignment of a read to a single reference sequence that may include insertions, deletions, skips and clipping, but may not include direction cha...

    1872 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    AWK is a standard tool on every POSIX-compliant UNIX system. It’s like flex/lex, fro...e is also an output field separator (OFS) that you can assign, which # defaults to a single spa...

    1871 days ago

  • Explore taxdump files !

    This is an extract of taxdump-readme.txt to be found at and are briefly described below. Each of the files store one record in the single lin...

    1583 days ago

  • Software for genome assembly !

    List of bioinformatics tools/Software Website References for genome assembly: 1 Falcon&nb...ensus 8 PILON error correction 9 BUSCO single cop...

    1379 days ago

  • 10 NGS services companies around the globe !

    ...of the leading players in DNA sequencing and array-based provides DNA and RNA sequencing and bioservices solutions to...Inc. provides next generation sequencing services such as whole genome...including mutation analysis, single nucleotide polymorphism, and bios...

    1295 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ● Merfin – k-mer-based assembly and variant calling evaluation assemblies in conjunction with k-mer count information from raw, short-read sequencing data to genotype a wide spect...

    1027 days ago

  • Protocol for De novo Genome Assembly using Illumina Reads

    ...s of tiny parts and read on a sequencing computer in a genome sequencing experiment. Depending on reads can be either “single ended” as described above o...nce this is what the Illumina sequencing pipeline creates. This will h...

    1240 days ago