Results for "Degree"




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  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ?

    Preparing a CV is also an art as well as a requirement for a person applying for a job . Curriculum Vitae is the first impression on the employer so it should be the best.How It can be the best can be learnt.Here is a link where you can get guidelines on how CV can be prepared and a sample also. ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Study, CV, Jobs, Prepare, University, Degree

    3403 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    OverviewThe reception your cover letter will receive is more varied and unpredictable than the other elements of your application packet.  Some readers, especially at large research universities, will skip it entirely, and focus instead on more direct indicators of your academic achievements...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Education, Study, University, Degree, Letter, Cover, PhD

    3395 days ago

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