Results for "Database Development"


  • CoronaVIR: Computational Resources on Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19)

    Aim of this web site is to facilitate the scientific community to fight against sev...9-nCoV. This web resource will be helpful for the researchers engaged in the development of therapies and drugs for th...

    1140 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Thailand ! our program will receive comprehensive training in omics analysis, database design and management, software engineering and programming (including web-based development), simulation techniques and m...

    1139 days ago

  • Genome Browser : GBrowse

    Generic Genome Browser Version 2: A Tutorial for Administrators This is an extensive tutorial to take you th...During most of the tutorial, we will be using the "in-memory" GBrowse database (no relational database re...

    3034 days ago

  • Ensembl comparative genomics resources

    The Ensembl comparative genomics resources are one such reference set that facilitates comprehensive and reproduc...pelines to produce reference comparative data and make it freely available. Database UR...

    3025 days ago

  • Picard

    Picard is a set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HT...s. For developers, the source code, building instructions and implementation/development resources are available on Gi...

    2964 days ago

  • Sequence assembly with MIRA 4

    MIRA is a multi-pass DNA sequence data assembler/mapper for whole genome and EST/RNAS...FLX or Titanium) Ion Torrent Solexa (Illumina) sequencing (in development) Pacific Biosciences sequenci...

    2987 days ago


    DISCOVAR is a new variant caller and DISCOVAR de novo a new genome assembler, both tiling an entire large genome. DISCOVAR variant calling is under active development and transitioning to VCF. DI...

    2975 days ago

  • Painless package development for R

    Devtools makes package development a breeze: it works with R’s existing conventions for code structure, adding efficient tools to support the cycle of package development. With devtools, developing a...

    2960 days ago

  • BioDBnet

    Database to Database Conversions db2db allows for conversions of identifiers from one database to other database identifiers or annotations. To use db2db select the input type of your data, changin...

    2930 days ago

  • HistoneDB 2.0 – with variants

    This histone database can be used to explore the diversity of histone proteins and their sequence variants in many organisms. The resource was established to better under...

    2929 days ago