Results for "Plant molecular Biology"


  • DEG 5.0: a database of essential genes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    Essential genes are those indispensable for the survival of an organism,...e set needed to sustain a life form, a fundamental question in biology, plays a key role in the emerging field, synthetic biology. DEG is freely available at...

    1159 days ago

  • DEG 5.0: a database of essential genes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    Essential genes are those indispensable for the survival of an organism,...e set needed to sustain a life form, a fundamental question in biology, plays a key role in the emerging field, synthetic biology. DEG is freely available at...

    1159 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Thailand !

    ...d training in the elements of biology, computer science, and informat...Bioinformatics & Systems Biology. Students in our program will...owledge in Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology to their maximum ca...informatics and Computational Biology is a joint effort of the Facu...

    1130 days ago

  • Spines

    Spines Spines is a collection of software tools, developed and used by the Vertebrate Genome Biology Group at the Broad Institute....p://

    3035 days ago

  • SATSUMA : Highly sensitive whole-genome synteny alignments.

    Satsuma is a whole-genome synteny alignment program. It takes two genomes, computes alignments, and then keeps only the parts that are orthologous, i.e. following the c...

    2941 days ago

  • Blobology

    Tools for making blobplots or Taxon-Annotated-GC-Coverage pl...a QC step Blaxter Lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh Goa...nbsp;Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology special issue : Quality asses...

    2910 days ago

  • clusterProfiler

    statistical analysis and visulization of functional profiles for genes and gene cluster...biological themes among gene clusters.” OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 16(5), pp. 284-287.Installat...

    2906 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired t...n background for specific modules. Major focus of CSBB is to allow users from biology and bioinformatics community,...

    2894 days ago

  • AutoDock Vina: an open-source program for doing molecular docking.

    AutoDock Vina is an open-source program for doing molecular docking. It was designed and implemented by Dr. Oleg Trott in the Molecul...

    1449 days ago


    A probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery. Ryan M Layer, Colby Chiang.... "LUMPY: a Probabilistic Framework for Structural Variant Discovery." Genome Biology 15 (6): R84. doi:10.1186...

    2837 days ago