Results for "The winner of the Sanger Institute Prize will be offered a three-month internship with a research group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute"


  • Fastq stats in Emoji :)

    Read one or more FASTQ files, fastqe will compute quality stats for each file and print those stats as emoji... for some reason. Given a fastq file in Illumina 1.8+/Sanger format, calculate the mean (rounded) score for each position and print a corresponding emoji!

    2148 days ago

  • CBS Comparative Microbial Genomics group - BioTools download page

    he CMG-biotools system presents a...comparative microbial genomics. The packag...ubuntu 10.10, available through the o...puter, allowing the user to run the system alongside any other and analyzing the diversity within the class Negativicut...31 genomes including 10 genera. The analy...

    2132 days ago

  • DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, GENOMICS AND BIOINFORMATICS, National Biotechnology Development Agency, Nigeria

    The Genetics, Genomics & Bioinformatics Department (GBBD) at...n genetics and bioinformatics research. Trans-disciplinary research being conducted in our la...creation of new technologies with applications to medicine; scientists and clinicians with the t...f genetics and genomics. OUR RES...

    2118 days ago

  • BioGPS: Spotlight on the Gene Expression Atlas

    BioGPS opened 2016 with a publication in Nucleic Acids Research, right after the New Year holiday. Throughout the year,...d by a Plugin Review Blitz in May. The BioGPS spotlight series was also restarted, with spotlights on BGEE, Intermin...s to BioGPS peaked in March and at the lowes...

    2075 days ago

  • SKESA: strategic k-mer extension for scrupulous assemblies

    SKESA is a DeBruijn graph-based de-novo assemble...sequenced using Illumina. Comparison with SPAdes and MegaHit shows that...nd produces an identical assembly for the s...e input when assembled multiple times with the Research...

    2048 days ago

  • gpsrdocker: docker-based container that contain all software/web servers developed in the field of bioinformatics. ). The programs and the package are free software for...his software for educational, research and non-profit purposes i...e under other licenses, along with any direct or indirect depen...ny use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for al...

    2016 days ago

  • Reactome Pathway Database

    REACTOME is an open-source, open access, manua...rovide intuitive bioinformatics tools for the visualization, interpretation...y knowledge to support basic and clinical research, genome analysis, modeli...s biology and education. Founded in 2003, the React...

    2001 days ago

  • EXCAVATOR: detecting copy number variants from whole-exome sequencing data

    EXCAVATOR, for the detection of copy number variants (CNVs) from whole-ex...s a three-step normalization procedure with a novel heterogeneous hidden...XCAVATOR on three datasets and compare the results with three other m...scale projects, as well as in clinical research...

    1997 days ago

  • Gene Ontology Consortium

    The GO knowledgebase is composed of two primary components: the Ge...Ontology (GO), which provides the logical structure of the biologica...ons (‘terms’) and their relationships to one anothe...specific ontology term Together, the ontology and annotation...

    1990 days ago

  • Osprey: Network Visualization System

    Osprey is a software platform for the v...nteraction data maintained by the Bi...GRID. Osprey is developed by the TyersLab and is a part o...PubMed] and supported by the National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and Genome Canada.

    1981 days ago