Results for "Orthologous"



  • SATSUMA : Highly sensitive whole-genome synteny alignments.

    Satsuma is a whole-genome synteny alignment program. It takes two genomes, computes alignments, and then keeps only the parts that are orthologous, i.e. following the conserved order an...

    2966 days ago

  • Mercator

    ...ding homology maps is to use exons that are orthologous in multiple genomes as map "a...of each run in each genome are outputted as orthologous segments. The cliques from ea...genomic coordinates of anchors within each orthologous segment. These anchors can be...

    2697 days ago

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Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...the predominant bioinformatics application, and very efficient search methods have been developed [3]. The often difficult distinction between orthologous sequences and paralogous sequ...

    3999 days ago

Wire posts

  • AutoOrthoGen #Genome #Orthologous #Evolver #Multiple #Alignment

    3529 days ago



  • MimiLook: A Phylogenetic Workflow for Detection of Gene Acquisition in Major Orthologous Groups of Megavirales

    This tool detects statistically validated events of gene acquisitions with the help of the T-REX algorithm by comparing individual gene tree with NCBI species tree. In between the steps, the workflow decides about handling paralogs, filtering outputs, identifying Megavirale specific OGs, detectio...

    Tags: MimiLook, Phylogenetic, Workflow, Detection, Gene, Acquisition, Major, Orthologous, Groups, Megavirales

    898 days ago

  • Mercator: Multiple Whole-Genome Orthology Map Construction

    Whole-genome homology maps attempt to identify the evolutionary relationships between and within multiple genomes. The term "syntenic" is often used to describe regions of multiple genomes that are believed to have evolved from the same region in an ancestral genome. However, it has been pointed ...

    Tags: Mercator, Multiple, Whole-Genome, Orthology, Map, Construction, orthologous, homologous, paralogous, Synteny, ancetral

    1498 days ago

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