Results for "commands"




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  • Palindrome Simulation commands !

    (base) ➜ palindromeAssemblySim more allCommands 3315 in= mutant15CH101.fasta out=mutant153CH10...utant15CH101.fasta out=mutant153CH101.fasta id=97 3317 history > allCommands 3318 cat ch101_read33155_t...

    1779 days ago

  • Compile CPP to exe

    ...d install the compiler, you need to open the cmd, navigate to the folder containing the .cpp files using the "cd" command, and then execute these commands: g++ -o NewFileName Trojan...

    894 days ago

  • +20 more Bio-Scripts


  • Swabs to Genomes: A Comprehensive Workflow

    The sequencing, assembly, and basic analysis of microbial genomes, once a painstaking and expensive undertaking, has become almost trivial for research labs with access to standard molecular biology and computational tools. However, there are a wide variety of options available for DNA library pr...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Workflow, Genome, Commands

    3600 days ago

  • Snakemake Tutorials !

    A lesson introducing the Snakemake workflow system for bioinformatics analysis. Prerequisites This is an intermediate lesson and assumes learners have already done some bioinformatics: Familiarity with the BASH command shell, including concepts like pipes, variables and loops. Knowledge o...

    Tags: snakemake, tutorial, links, commands, learn

    771 days ago
