Results for "fragments"




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  • Paper test for cancer !!! of hundreds of biomarkers that are then easily detectable in a patient's urine. The MIT nanoparticles are coated with peptides (short protein fragments) targeted by different MMPs....

    3748 days ago


  • Evolution and Cancer

    ...NA techniques, random single-copy DNA probes capable of detecting DNA sequence polymorphisms when hybridized to restriction digests, or specific fragments, of an individual's DNA. The...

    3900 days ago



  • TACOA: Taxonomic classification of environmental genomic fragments using a kernelized nearest neighbor approach

    TACOA is a software that can accurately predict the taxonomic origin of genomic fragments from metagenomic data sets by combining the advantages of the k -NN approach with a smoothing kernel function. TACOA can be easily installed and run on a desktop computer, therefore allowing researchers ...

    Tags: TACOA, Taxonomic, classification, environmental, genomic, fragments, KNN, Contamination

    2209 days ago

  • AnchorWave

    AnchorWave (Anchored Wavefront Alignment) identifies collinear regions via conserved anchors (full-length CDS and full-length exon have been implemented currently) and breaks collinear regions into shorter fragments, i.e., anchor and inter-anchor intervals. By performing sensitive sequence alignm...

    Tags: AnchorWave, Anchored, Wavefront, Alignment, collinear, regions, conserved, anchors, CDS, exon, currently, breaks, collinear, regions, fragments, anchor, inter-anchor, intervals

    829 days ago
