Results for "repeat"





  • Download blasr 1.3 version

    ...3 2000 5000i2 1000 2000i4 5000 15000i0 -200 300i5 15000 40000i1 300 1000Repeat detection.../home/urbe/Tools/...such file or directorymv FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bam FALCON-Unzip-Scaff-with-repeat.bam/home/urbe/Tools/OPERA-LG_...

    2209 days ago


  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...WGS Sequence AssemblerRePS (Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding...explicitly identifies exact kmer repeats from the shotgun data and re...e assembly reduces the numbers of repeats in the assembly, allows more..., when available, to retrieve the repeated areas between contigs. Luc...

    2744 days ago

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  • A perl tool to conveniently parse RepeatMasker output files #Perl #Repeat #Transposable #NGS #Genome #TEs #Mobile

    3560 days ago




  • Rectangle Graph for Repeat Resolution in Genome Assembly

    Ultimate tool for resolving repeats in genome assemblies. Though the specific implementation of the idea of the rectangle graph approach is already included into the current SPAdes distribution, we're also releasing the Rectangle Graph Module (RGM) as the separate code which can be run inde...

    Tags: Rectangle, Graph, Repeat, Resolution, Genome, Assembly

    2378 days ago

  • HINGE: Long-Read Assembly Achieves Optimal Repeat Resolution

    Software accompanying "HINGE: Long-Read Assembly Achieves Optimal Repeat Resolution" Preprint: Paper: An ipython notebook to reproduce results in the paper can be found in thi...

    Tags: HINGE, Long-Read, Assembly, Achieves, Optimal, Repeat, Resolution

    2337 days ago

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