Results for "spades"




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  • SPAdes Genome Assembler! #Genome #Assembler #Omics #NGS

    3643 days ago


  • SPADes team announce new version SPADes v3.15

    New SPAdes announced by the SPADes team This release includes such new features as: - CoronaSPAdes pipeline for the assembly of...llocator mimalloc; - PlasmidSPAdes and bgcSPAdes are now provide...bsp;

    1246 days ago



  • SPAdes

    SPAdes – St. Petersburg genome assembler – is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. This manual will help you to install and run SPAdes. SPAdes version 3.7.1 was released under GPLv2 on March 8, 2016 and can be downloaded from http://bioinf.spbau...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Assembly, Assembler, SPAdes, Reads, Illumina

    2978 days ago

  • npScarf: real-time scaffolder using SPAdes contigs and Nanopore sequencing reads

    npScarf ( is a program that connect contigs from a draft genomes to generate sequences that are closer to finish. These pipelines can run on a single laptop for microbial datasets. In real-time mode, it can be integrated with simple structural analyses such as gene ordering, plasmi...

    Tags: npScarf, real-time, scaffolder, SPAdes, contigs, Nanopore, sequencing, reads

    2195 days ago


  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...number of short sequencing reads. SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assemb...eps for short-read assembly using SPAdes: Quality control of raw...immomatic or FastQC. Running SPAdes: After quality control, the n...uation of assembly: After running SPAdes, the next step is to evaluate...

    455 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    SPAdes (St. Petersburg genome assemb...brief overview of how to use SPAdes for short-read assembly: Install SPAdes: SPAdes can be downloaded fro...files for each read. Run SPAdes: To run SPAdes, open the term...ditor or a genome browser. SPAdes also provides several options...

    461 days ago

  • +4 more Comments