Results for "Converts"



Top-level pages


  • R 3.2.0 is released

    ...ctory for use in package overview help pages, and promptPackage() now makes use of them. tools::parse_Rd() gains a new permissive argument which converts unrecognized macros into text...

    3344 days ago

  • SCFBio have developed Sanjeevini

    ...gically relevant sites on protein 14 Intercalate Rigid Docking of DNA-Ligand complex in intercalation sites 15 DNA sequence to str. Converts DNA sequence to DNA structure...

    2400 days ago


  • Downloading GATK !

    ...pare two input ".sam" or ".bam" files. ConvertSequencingArtifactToOxoG (Picar...BedToIntervalList (Picard) Converts a BED file to a Picard Interv...VcfFormatConverter (Picard) Converts VCF to BCF or BCF to VCF....

    2114 days ago

  • Bash script to alignment of short reads against reference genome !

    ...second mate. #conversion to BAM: samtools view -b - --- this reads SAM from stdin (the - specifier in place of the file name indicates this) and converts to BAM. #sorting the BAM fil...

    1598 days ago
