Results for "Cheat Sheet"


  • Run bash script in Perl program !

    ...ystem( "command", "arg1", "arg2" ); HELP Here are some useful Perl cheat sheets that can be used as a quick reference guide.--

    677 days ago



  • Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

    ...ician it is just a magical stick to resolve gingatic string data. We did not find any good and user friendly regular expression cheat sheet, hence write our own cheat sheet. The Regular Expressions...

    3993 days ago

  • Linux Cheat Sheet

    In an attempt to find a good Linux reference for bioinformatician and BOL readers, I was unsuccessful at finding a decent one on the Internet. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet for biological programmers.

    3993 days ago


  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a p...gets" - "The wxBook" jmcnamara/spreadsheet-parseexcel - Perl module...ll be written to a separate named worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet. The...bScanner - WDTV Perl based movie sheet generator ikegami/perl-LWP-P...

    2535 days ago

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  • Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible code #Python #CheatSeat

    3587 days ago

  • BLAST cheats heat #BLAST #NCBI #Cheat

    2746 days ago

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