Results for "Evolutionary Analysis"


  • PhylomeDB to interactively explore the evolutionary history of genes through the...dictions which are based on the analysis of the phylogenetic trees. The au... high-quality phylogenetic analysis of different genomes , i...ference, alignment trimming and evolutionary model testing. PhylomeDB...

    3963 days ago

  • A fast package to parse BLAST

    In current era, we are handling huge amount of genomics data, and analysing it to make so...ological sense out of it. Large-scale sequence studies requiring BLAST-based analysis produce huge amounts of data...

    3934 days ago

  • RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows

    It describe the GAGE (Luo et al., 2009) /Pahvi...lows on RNA-Seq data pathway analysis and gene-set analysis. The gage package (2.12....same workflow can be used for GO analysis or other types of gene set an...d issues for RNA-Seq data pathway analysis. Issues like data qualit...

    3877 days ago

  • WSCC – 2013

    DST-SERB Winter School on Computational Chemistry (WSCC – 2013)December 9-13, 2013O...dre, IITK,  Kanpur]4. Hückel Theory, Bond order and charge density analysis; Extended Hückel Theory;...

    3873 days ago

  • Oldest Hominin DNA Sequenced

    Matthias Meyer and his team from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have developed new techniques for retrieving and sequencing highly degraded...

    3825 days ago

  • C-DAC launch supercomputing facility "Param Bio Blaze" !!!

    The bioinformatics centre at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) complet...organisms. There is immense data generated due to computing, but storage and analysis of this data is becoming a ch...

    3773 days ago

  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    The American Cancer Society projects the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths expected...thetic biomarker, which is highly specialized instrument to do these kind of analysis. These paper test essentially...

    3765 days ago

  • Upgrade R 3.0.3

    R is a free software programming language and software environment for statistical comput...g statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis. Polls and surveys of data mi...

    3753 days ago

  • Scientists map 17,294 proteins produced in human body

    Indian scientists missed the genomic profiling bus, but they'v...cently two groups present mass spectrometry-based analysis of human tissues, body fluids... -Proteogenomic analysis by identifying translated pro...

    3673 days ago

  • Drawback of Exome Sequencing

    Dr Eric Londin, Assistant Professor, Thomas Jefferson University, USA, stated that analysis of 44 exome datasets from fou...

    3669 days ago