Results for "B"


  • Comment on "Tools for Sequence translation !" There are several tools available for sequence translation, i...ExPASy Translate Tool: This is a web-based tool that allows users...esponding nucleotide sequence). BioPython: This is a Python lib...few examples of the many tools available for sequence translation. T...

    480 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Differential expression analysis" that are differentially expressed between two or more conditions...roups. There are several tools available for performing differential...ata. It uses a non-parametric method based on the relative of RNA-Seq data. It uses a method based on the negative binomial...

    480 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for RNA classification"

    ...There are several tools available for RNA classification, eac...sequences. Rfam: Rfam is a database of RNA families and their...rresponding covariance models. It is based on Infernal and provides...s in genomic sequences. It uses a combination of HMM-based and compa...

    480 days ago

  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST"

    BLAST compares a query sequence to a database of known sequences and identifies th...standing the evolutionary relationships between different organisms. BLAST works by breaking down the query sequenc...hat reflects its degree of similarity. BLAST is widely used in biologi...

    480 days ago

  • Comment on "How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways"

    To install BioPerl on a macOS system, you can...ur macOS system. Install Homebrew if you haven't already installed it by entering the following" Update Homebrew by entering the following comma...he following command to check the BioPerl version: perl -MBio:...

    482 days ago

  • Comment on "Perl Module Installation"

    To install BioPerl on a macOS system, you can...ur macOS system. Install Homebrew if you haven't already installed it by entering the following comma...D/" Update Homebrew by entering the following...l Verify the installation by running a BioPerl script or...

    482 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools to detect synteny blocks regions among multiple genomes"

    ...lect the species that you want to compare based on their evolutionary relationship or biological interest. Obtain th...ous genes: Identify the orthologous genes between the genomes using tools...idate the results of the synteny analysis by comparing them to other sour...

    483 days ago

  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST"

    ...e doing any homology search.  BLAST (Basic Local Alignment types of queries and databases. The most common Choose the database: BLAST searches can be performed...y, and e-value. Overall, BLAST is a powerful tool for se...

    483 days ago

  • Comment on "Elgg Installation steps !"

    If you need to uninstall all MySQL packages  sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql* sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean

    485 days ago

  • Comment on "CovCal: Coverage / Read Count Calculator"

    Sequencing coverage is defined as the average number of reads that covers each base of the reference genome. Estima...nome L is the read length N is the number of reads For example, if...n we will get a sequencing coverage of 20x as follows. C = L...

    643 days ago