Results for "Gap"


  • ArrayGen Technologies

    About me: ...alysis capability of genomics data over other forms of biological data. ArrayGen constantly strives to develop new solutions, and plug the existing gaps in the technological advance...

    2736 days ago





Top-level pages

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !!

    ...llelized Genome Assembler There is a growing gap between the output of new gen...pCol 1.1.1 – Haplotype Assembly from Long Gapless Reads A fast and memor...broken assembly based on the error calls. GapFiller 1.10 – Close Gaps...

    2713 days ago

  • IUPAC codes

    ...r G or T D.................A or G or T H.................A or C or T V.................A or C or G N.................any base . or Protein: Amino Acid Code: T...

    2272 days ago

  • +3 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • FGAP an automated gap closing tool !! #Omics #Seq

    3636 days ago

  • #GAP-Seq: a method for identification of DNA #palindromes

    2659 days ago

Opportunity posts



  • Gap filling or Contigs extensions tools !

    There are many tools to perform gap filling using Illumina short reads, for example "GapFiller: a de novo assembly approach to fill the gap within paired reads" or "Toward almost closed genomes with GapFiller". There are also some tools like GAPresolution that can help to perform local re-assembl...

    Tags: Gap, filling, Contigs, extensions, tools

    2192 days ago
