Results for "Transcriptomics"


  • Abbas

    Skills: Transcriptomics

    2350 days ago

  • Sanchari Sircar

    About me: ...s (CCNSB), International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad , in Dr. Nita Parekh's group. My area of research includes genomics, transcriptomics, network-based analysis to st...

    1899 days ago



  • Shinyheatmap

    Background: Transcriptomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and other various next-generation sequencing (-omics) fields are known for their production of large datasets. Visualizin...

    2892 days ago

  • Bioinformatics lectures !

    ...g via Gibbs sampling Gene finding &mdash statistical models for ab initio and evidence-guided prediction of genes RNA-seq and transcriptomics &mdash transcript assembl...

    2488 days ago

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Wire posts

  • The China National Genebank Initiates Global Collaboration to Sequence Transcriptomes of 1,000 Fish Species #T1K #Transcriptomics #Fish

    3706 days ago


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ResearchLabs posts

  • IBL laboratory

    ...oxidative agents, heavy metals, or drastic changes in nutrients availability. The genome-wide responses studied with the "omics" techniques (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and...

    4058 days ago

  • Sandelin group

    Sandelin group have a deep interest in most biology, but focus on gene regulation and the many areas that are connected with this, including transcriptomics, epigenetics and technological...

    4006 days ago

  • +1 more ResearchLabs posts
