Results for "Basic Biology"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Talkowski Laboratory

    The Talkowski laboratory explores the impact of genomic alterations on human neurode...cing technology to genetic diagnostics. Mike received undergraduate degrees in Biology and Psychology and a Ph.D. in...

    2361 days ago

  • ShendureLab

    The mission of our lab is to develop and apply new techn...s and methods for genetics, genomics and molecular biology. Most of our work exploits ne...lar Methods Genomic Approaches to Developmental Biology Massively Parallel Functio...

    2347 days ago

  • Eugene V. Koonin Lab

    Interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, we employ existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major areas.

    2335 days ago

  • Hejnol Group

    The group studies a broad range of animal taxa using morphological and molecular too...volution of the biodiversity seen on planet earth is one of the major goals in biology. How animals explored new hab...

    2291 days ago

  • Bourque Lab

    ...on and cancer. As a computational genomicists our work involves examining billions of DNA base pairs and interpreting how variation impacts basic biology and disease. We develop compu...

    1965 days ago

  • The Clark Lab

    Study the process of Adaptive Evolution, during which species adopt novel traits to...e already led to advances in human health, species conservation, and molecular biology. More at http://clark.gen...

    1576 days ago


    Our research focuses on the computational analysis of genomic and transcriptomic seq...statistics. We use these novel methods to address questions related to genome biology and population genomics. W...

    1381 days ago

  • Edanchin Lab

    My main topics of interest are: The impact of non tree-like evolution such as horizontal gene transfers and hybridization on species biology Evolution and adaptation of...

    1290 days ago

  • Blaxter Lab

    Using these high quality genomes we explore the evolutionary history of genes and...roles of horizontal gene transfer and introgression in shaping evolution the biology of symbioses, especially symb...

    1290 days ago

  • Svardal lab

    In the Svardal lab they are interested how the astonishing natural diversity we see...between them, are a crucial source of information to understand evolution and biology in general. They provide a re...

    1197 days ago