Results for "Drug designing"





  • India's own first drug - from Biocon.

    Psoriasis is immune-mediated disease that effects the skin. the Disease on an average...nal studies and clinical trial Genomics. The Biocon drug, at around ₹ 7,500 a via..., will cost half as much as the currently available drugs - f...

    3947 days ago


  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    I found several useful bioinformatics articles which exaplain, define an...ormatics & Cheminformatics in the Drug Discovery Cycle , 1997....6. Turbo-charging bioinformation for drug discovery , Feb 2000, pp...binatorX gets $40 million to look for drug syne...

    3948 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa: Part2 - Kenya

    International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): Under   a   NEPAD   initiative,...gies 14. Cell cycle regulation 15. Population genetics 16. Vector genomics 17. Drug, vac...

    1211 days ago

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  • Jayaram Lab

    Responsible (a) for developing Chemgenome, Bhageerath & Sanjeevini methods & s...tertiary structure prediction & computer aided drug design respectively, (b) for...Genome Analysis, Protein Structure Prediction and Drug Desi...

    3975 days ago

  • Nataša Pržulj Lab

    Nataša Pržulj Lab's research involves applications of graph theory, mathematical modeling, and computational tech...of systems biology, planar cell polarity, proteomics, cancer informatics, and drug disc...

    3928 days ago

  • +8 more ResearchLabs posts


  • Pharmacogenomics at Mayo Clinic

    The right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient. Mayo Clinic uses the latest technologies to understand how drugs will work in individual patients, maximizing drug efficacy and minimizing the potential for side effects.

    3883 days ago

  • Genomics and Personalized Medicine Breakthroughs Human genome mapping is now enabling a breakthrough in medical in...edispositions to disease, predict how we metabolize drugs, and figure out what kinds o...tments we may respond to, and even determine when a drug may...

    3653 days ago

