Results for "contig"


  • Perl script to insert sequence in contig !!

    # sub signature: #insertSEQintoCONTIGatLOC( SEQ , CONTIG , LOC ) ; sub insertSEQintoCONTIGatLOC{ my ( $SEQ , $CONTIG , $LOC ) = @_; substr( $CON...print 'insert = '.($s = insertSEQintoCONTIGatLOC( "CCCC ", $s , 26 ))."\n...

    2738 days ago

  • Create genome scaffolding with Perl options my @pslFiles = (); my $projOpts = { "query" => 0, # contig file for query sequences "prefix" => "psl_scaffold_", # prefix for contig names "pid" => 90, # perc...

    2338 days ago

  • Running Trinity on RNA-seq !

    ...----------- --------------- Inchworm --------------------- -- (Linear contig construction from k-mers) --...-------- -------------------- Chrysalis ------------------------- -- (Contig Clustering & de Bruijn Graph...

    2156 days ago

  • Running Transrate !

    ...fault: 8) --merge-assemblies= Merge best contigs from multiple assemblies int...ity [ INFO] 2018-07-13 14:54:21 : Calculating contig metrics... [ INFO] 2018-07-1...0.0 [ INFO] 2018-07-13 14:54:34 : Contig metrics done in 13 seconds [...

    2152 days ago

  • Downloading GATK !

    ...s to produce denoised copy ratios DetermineGermlineContigPloidy (BETA Tool) Determines the baseline contig ploidy for germline samples g...(EXPERIMENTAL Tool) Examines alignments of chimeric contigs, attempting to produce an op...

    2104 days ago

  • Perl script to break the contigs by 'N' $seqobj = $fasta->next_seq() ) { #gets contig id my $contig = $seqobj->display_id(); #g...ks) #Hash nregions stores a hash from the contig id to the NNNNN regions found...$i=0;$itrunc($cini,$cend); my $new_id=$contig . "_p$cont"; $cont++;...

    2092 days ago

  • CollectGcBiasMetrics.jar will generate a GC bias plot for each contig

    samtools index aln-pe.mapped.sorted.bam for i in $(samtools view -H aln-pe.mapped.sorted.bam | awk -F"\t" '/@SQ/{gsub("^SN:","",$2);print $2}' ); do samtools view -...

    2033 days ago

  • Tadpole is 250x faster than SPADes assembler !

    ...on: Uses kmer counts to assemble contigs, extend sequences, or erro...fq,null mode=correct Extending contigs with reads could be done lik...parameters: out= Write contigs (in contig mode) or correcte...Minimum kmer count to seed a new contig or begin extension. mincount...

    1005 days ago

  • Perl script to calculate the basic stats of the assembled genome !

    ...statistics my $total_length = 0; my $num_contigs = 0; my @contig_lengths; # Iterate through...tional statistics my $min_contig_length = $contig_lengths[-1]; my $ "GC Content: $gc_content%\n"; print "\nContig Length Distribution:\n"; pri...

    123 days ago