Results for "Interest in cooking food"



  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ?

    Preparing a CV is also an art as well as a requirement for a person applying fo...which case make reference to this under Interests/Hobbies. If you are a studen...or selection for a position that you are interes...on relevant to your academic ability and inte...

    3408 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    OverviewThe reception your cover letter will receive is more varied...of your research and teaching interests, and how your qualifications...nal.  Departments aren't interested in hiring graduate students...ched in stone. If you're very interested in the job, call the depart...

    3401 days ago

  • +12 more Blogs



  • Amino Acid Flash Tutorial

    Protein is a part of every cell in your body, and no other nutrient plays as many different ro...lthy. Protein is the building block of our body, and amino acids are the main areas of inte...

    3588 days ago


Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Genome of interest Bacillus amyloliquefaciens #Bacteria

    2582 days ago


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts




  • BOL Virtual Research Group

    BOL Virtual Research Group

    Our research interest falls in the broad field of bioinformatics and, more specifically into C...with the competative research labs. Technical topics of interes...researcher, advisor, supervisior and willing to do some inte...

    3978 days ago

  • Genetic Modified (GM) Food/Organisms

    Genetic Modified (GM) Food/Organisms

    An organism that is generated through genetic engineering i...ere commercialized in 1982 and genetically modified food has been sold since 1994. Glo...

    3954 days ago