Results for "Happy independence day"




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  • Rotifers Lab

    For scientists in the MBL’s Gribble Lab, the rotifer (Brachionus manjavacas) is used as a...eggs that can be completely dried and frozen for decades, then hatch within a day when exposed to water and lig...

    467 days ago


  • Bioinformatician become producer/director !!!

    If a Bioinformatician starts producing Hindi Bollywood movies, names will be like Karega  Genbank Ke Us Paar Proteomics Koi Khel Nahi Jish Desh Mein Day Hoff Rehta Hai PDB Ek Numbar...

    3962 days ago

  • Bioinformatician on Valentine's Day

    Once asked to a bioinformatician "How is ur Valentine's Day?" Bioinformatician replied: if ($date == "Valentine's Day" && $me =! Bioinformatician) { rose_day(); promise_day(); kiss_day(); } else { hack_genome(); ko-fi(); youtube(); do_scripting(); sleep(); )

    1220 days ago



  • Install Parrot Virtual Machine !

    #Parrot is a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and execute bytecode for dynamic build your Parrot. After that, you can use `make test' to run the test suite. Hap...

    1581 days ago


  • Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    SMS is now slowly gaining place in sequencing world, more and more scientists now keen to...r is SMRT from Pacbio and others will be flood the market soon and may be one day it replaces 2nd generation se...

    3271 days ago


  • Happy Independence Day 2014 || Independence Day Special Video

    Watch Independence Day Special Video of Freedom Fighters Independence day 2014, 68th independence day, august 15th 2014, independence day celebrations, august 15th celebrations, Celebrations of August 15th 2014, Freedom Fighters Specail Videos,Freedom Fighters Videos, Independence Day Celebration...

    Tags: Happy independence day

    3595 days ago