Results for "Genome"


  • MitoZ: a toolkit for animal mitochondrial genome assembly, annotation and visualization

    MitoZ, consisting of independent modules of de novo assembly, findMitoScaf (find Mitochondrial Scaffolds), annotation and visualization, that can generate mitogenome assembly together with annotation and visualization results from HTS raw reads.

    Tags: MitoZ, toolkit, animal, mitochondrial, genome, assembly, annotation, visualization

    917 days ago

  • ncbi-datasets-cli -- Quickstart: command line tools !

    Install and use the NCBI Datasets command line tools The NCBI Datasets datasets command line tools are datasets and dataformat . Use datasets to download biological sequence data across all domains of life from NCBI. Use dataformat to convert metadata fr...

    Tags: ncbi-datasets-cli, database, download, ncbi, genome, genes, datasets

    911 days ago

  • Illumina based assembly pipeline steps !

    Illumina Merge re-sequenced FastQ files (cat) Read QC (FastQC) Adapter trimming (fastp) Removal of host reads (Kraken 2; optional) Variant calling Read alignment (Bowtie 2) Sort and index alignments (SAMtools) Primer sequence removal (iVar; amplicon data only) Duplicate read marking (p...

    Tags: assembly, pipeline, genome, illumina

    908 days ago

  • Refseq viraal genome sequences !

    List of all viruses on NCBI

    Tags: nvbi, viruses, genome, data, ftp

    907 days ago

  • maftools

    With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widely accepted and used to store somatic variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project has sequenced over 30 different cancers with sample size of each cancer type being over 200. Resulting data consisting of somati...

    Tags: maftools, maf, format, snp, variant, genome, mutation

    901 days ago

  • PLAR: Pipeline for lncRNA annotation from RNA-seq data

    Due to several requests, we are releasing an assingment of orthologs, determined using the same methods used in Hezroni et al. (BLAST, Whole Genome Alignment (WGA), and synteny). One is comparing human GENCODE genes (from GENCODE v30) to lncRNAs from other species identified by PLAR. Available&nb...

    Tags: lncRNA, data, human, genome, plar

    880 days ago

  • VCF Compare !

    compare two BWA mapping methods with the online hg18-mapped data We first operate a rapid inspection of the different BAM files using samtools flagstat. Illumina provided chr21 read mapping obtained with their GA IIx deep sequencing platform <ftp://webdata:webdata@uss...

    Tags: bwa, mapping, genome, vcf, align, genome

    867 days ago

  • CrossMap: program for genome coordinates conversion between different assemblies

    CrossMap is a program for genome coordinates conversion between different assemblies (such as hg18 (NCBI36) <=> hg19 (GRCh37)). It supports commonly used file formats including BAM, CRAM, SAM, Wiggle, BigWig, BED, GFF, GTF,&nb...

    Tags: CrossMap, program, genome, coordinates, conversion, different, assemblies

    861 days ago

  • Short-read assembly using Spades !

    If we only had Illumina reads, we could also assemble these using the tool Spades. You can try this here, or try it later on your own data. Get data We will use the same Illumina data as we used above: illumina_R1.fastq.gz: the Illumina forward reads illumina_R2.fastq.gz: the Illumina reve...

    Tags: spades, assembly, short, reads, genome, tools

    856 days ago

  • odgi: optimized dynamic genome/graph implementation

    odgi provides an efficient and succinct dynamic DNA sequence graph model, as well as a host of algorithms that allow the use of such graphs in bioinformatic analyses. Careful encoding of graph entities allows odgi to efficiently compute and transform pangenomes with mini...

    Tags: odgi, optimized, dynamic, genome, graph, implementation, genome, assembly, graph

    854 days ago