Results for "Mers"


  • Dareen Evans

    About me: ...n the field of Bioinformatics,Genomics,Genetics,Cheminformatics and Life Science.  I recruit talanted individuals from Bioinformatics to Sas Programmers to Research Scientists.  I co...

    3214 days ago


  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...king of low-complexity repetitive kmers, which is not usually a Count k-mers/find unknown primers, the command means "look for 25-mers in the leftmost 25 bp of tells you the number of unique kmers in each peak on the histogram...

    2416 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    ...k, J., Deorowicz, S., CoMeta: Classification of Metagenomes Using k-mers, PLOS ONE, 2015;, T., Grabowski, Sz., Deorowicz, S., Indexing arbitrary-length k-mers in sequencing reads, PLO...

    1009 days ago



  • Frequent words problem solution by Perl #Find the most frequent k-mers in a string.#Given: A DNA str...t and an integer k.#Return: All most frequent k-mers in Text (in any order).use st...max;}sub kmerMatch { #Check the exact matching kmers with sliding windowmy ($strin...

    3398 days ago

Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Genetic sequencing traced root of MERS!! #HealthOmics

    3766 days ago


  • Scalpel

    ...ds that map to that exon (including partial matches), splits them into k-mers, and creates a de Bruijn grap...t detects repeats in the map, it iteratively increases the size of the k-mers by one base until the repeats...

    3692 days ago


  • Clump Finding Problem Solved with Perl

    ...ven: A string Genome, and integers k, L, and t. #Return: All distinct k-mers forming (L, t)-clumps in Geno...($string, $subStr, $kmer); sub kmerMatch { #Check the exact matching kmers with sliding window my ($str...

    2479 days ago

  • Estimate Genome Size

    # Count k-mer occurrence using Jellyfish 2.2.6 jellyfish count -t 8 -C -m 19 -s 5G -o 19mer_out --min-qual-char=? sread_1.fastq sread_2.fastq # points for a histogram jellyfish histo -o 19mer_out.histo 19mer_out #Plot results using R ##load the data into dataframe19 dataframe19

    2410 days ago

  • +3 more Bio-Scripts
