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Dareen Evans

Brief description: I am a Bioinformatics Recruitment Specialist helping people make the next move in their career. Working within the UK
Telephone: 01772 278050

About me

I am a Bioinformatics Recruitment Specialist, working within the field of Bioinformatics,Genomics,Genetics,Cheminformatics and Life Science.  I recruit talanted individuals from Bioinformatics to Sas Programmers to Research Scientists.  I cover the UK, working with clients from large pharmacutical industries to Reseach and Diagnostic companies.  

I am happy to advise specialists or graduates on their next career move, discussing their opportuninities, salaries, basically anything that would help a candidate progress in the right direction of their career.

My email is dareen.evans@itworkshealth.co.uk or call me on 01772 278050 (UK Line)


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