Results for "virus"


  • 2.4 Mb Genome Size for World's Biggest Virus

    The genome size of new discovered Pandoraviruses have roughly twice the size of the record-holding Megavirus genomic code. Interestingly only 6 percent of its genes resembled the genes other organisms. It is assume that it may come from a different origin. For detail :

    Tags: Pandoraviruses, Megavirus, Genes, Genome Size, Virus, Biggest Virus, Ancient Root

    3965 days ago

  • Flu Attack! How A Virus Invades Your Body

    When you get the flu, viruses turn your cells into tiny factories that help spread the disease. In this animation, NPR's Robert Krulwich and medical animator David Bolinsky explain how a flu virus can trick a single cell into making a million more viruses. See and hear the rest of the story on N...

    Tags: Virus, Mechanism, Techniques

    3951 days ago

  • Fourth Branch of Life

    Scientist have found the biggest viruses known, pandoraviruses which opened up entirely /completely... new questions questions and raise objections to in science. It even suggesting a fourth domain of life. The new visrus are about one micron—a thousandth of a millimeter—in length, t...

    Tags: Pandoraviruses, Megavirus, Genes, Genome Size, Virus, Biggest Virus, Ancient Root

    3933 days ago

  • 320000 viruses in mammals yet to sequenced in future!!!

    With current biological technique improvements, finally it is now possible to look at millions of unknown viruses at genomic level and understand the mechanism. According to available data, close to 70 per cent of emerging viral diseases such as HIV/AIDS, West Nile, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, ar...

    Tags: Sequencing, RNA, DNA, Genome, Virus, Mammals, flying fox, HIV

    3939 days ago

  • Virus 3D Animation

    piranha.dl facebook site:!/pages/piranhadl-3D/131721586891915

    Tags: Virus, Animation

    3886 days ago

  • Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever !!!

    Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness in humans, caused by the Ebola virus. The disease has high mortality rate, killing upto 90% of people who are infected. The ongoing 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak is considered to be the largest and long...

    Tags: Genomics, Infection, Virus, Disease, Outbreak, Africa

    3598 days ago

  • NCBI to assist in Virus Hunting Data Science Hackathon

    NCBI Hackathon are pleased to announce the second installment of the SoCal Bioinformatics Hackathon. From January 9-11, 2019, the NCBI will help run a bioinformatics hackathon in Southern California hosted by the Computational Sciences Research Center at San Diego St...

    Tags: NCBI, assist, Virus, Hunting, Data, Science, Hackathon

    2040 days ago

  • Submit your SARS-CoV-2 sequence data to GenBank

    Submit your SARS-CoV-2 sequence data to GenBank and SRA with our new submission landing page. Submission is simple and streamlined *and* there’s a rapid turnaround.   Quickly and easily add your SARS-CoV-2 sequence data to the growing public ...

    Tags: Submit, SARS-CoV-2, sequence, data, GenBank, CoVID-19 Covid, Virus

    1529 days ago

  • QuasiModo - Quasispecies Metric Determination on Omics

    This repository contains the scripts and pipeline that reproduces the results of the HCMV benchmarking study. In this study we evaluated genome assemblers and variant callers on 10 in vitro generated, mixed strain HCMV sequence samples, each consisting of two lab strains in different abundance ra...

    Tags: QuasiModo, Quasispecies, Metric, Determination, Omics, Virus, Genome, Variant, Assembly, SNP

    1086 days ago

  • Corona Virus Literature !

    LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 201482 (and growing) relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are upd...

    Tags: Corona, Virus, Literature, Disease, Viruses

    917 days ago