Results for "r"


  • Comment on "Tools for Sequence translation !"

    Sequence translation is the process of converting a DNA or RNA sequence into its corresponding protein sequence. T...ioPython: This is a Python library that provides several tool...tool depends on the specific requirements of the user, inclu...

    472 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Differential expression analysis"

    Differential expression analysis is a widely us...chers to identify genes that are differentially expressed bet...a. It uses a generalized linear model to model the count data...Cufflinks suite and is used for differential expression analy...

    472 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for RNA classification"

    There are several tools available for RNA classification, each with...lassification that uses a covariance model approach to identi...It is based on Infernal and provides a comprehensive resourc...n-SE: tRNAscan-SE is a tool for identifying tRNA genes in gen...

    472 days ago

  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST"

    BLAST compares a query sequence to a database of kn...and identifies the most similar matches. This is useful for i...he function of a newly discovered gene or for understanding t...the query sequence into smaller segments, called "words," and...idely used in biological research because it is fast, efficie...

    472 days ago

  • Comment on "How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways"

    To install BioPerl on a macOS system, you can fol...teps: Open the Terminal app on your macOS system. Install Homebrew if you haven't already inst...n/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL the following command: brew install cpanminus I...

    474 days ago

  • Comment on "Perl Module Installation"

    To install BioPerl on a macOS system, you can fol...ow these steps: Open the Terminal app on your macOS system. Install Homebrew if you haven't already inst...n/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL cpanminus by entering the following command:...

    474 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools to detect synteny blocks regions among multiple genomes"

    ...synteny analysis is the comparison of the genomic structure and gene content of two or more related species. Here are some...species that you want to compare based on their evolutionary...ualized using tools such as Circos or SynMap. Interpret the...

    475 days ago

  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST" find those that match a query sequence. Here are the gener...d databases. The most common programs are blastp, blastn, bla...NCBI GenBank, RefSeq, and non-redundant databases. Choose the...nctional annotation, and comparative genomics....

    475 days ago

  • Comment on "Elgg Installation steps !"

    If you need to uninstall all MySQL packages  sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql* sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean

    477 days ago

  • Comment on "CovCal: Coverage / Read Count Calculator"

    Sequencing coverage is defined as the average number of reads that covers each base of the reference genome. Estimating the sequencing coverage is very important whe...C = LN / G C is the sequencing coverage G is the length of the ge...

    635 days ago