Results for "Chromosomal"


  • Jitendra Narayan

    About me: ...ine(BOL) founder. Within the broad domain of bioinformatics and computational biology, I mainly focus on chromosomal breakpoint and amniotes evolu...Interests: Chromosomal Breakpoints

    5 days ago




Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Identification of chromosomal translocation hotspots via scan statistics #Chromosome #Hotspots

    3568 days ago

  • Dynamic Large-Scale Chromosomal Rearrangements Fuel Rapid Adaptation in Yeast Populations #Chromosome #Evolution

    3513 days ago

  • +6 more Wire posts


  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    ...has a reciprocal translocation. Reciprocal chromosomal translocations occur followin...ns seen in leukemia and childhood sarcomas. Chromosomal translocations have been well...allow for the clarification of how and why chromosomal translocation occurs, which w...

    3574 days ago

  • Earth BioGenome Project

    ...wn species of eukaryotes, a massive group that includes plants, animals, fungi and other organisms whose cells have a nucleus that houses their chromosomal DNA. To date, the genomes of...

    2197 days ago

Opportunity posts

  • Post-doctoral Research Assistant in Genetics and existing algorithms. The post holder will use cutting edge computational and laboratory approaches to generate chromosomal assemblies for sequenced genomes, study chromosomal structures and genome differe...

    3617 days ago

  • Postdoctoral Research Assistant at RVC Sci USA. 2013. 110 (5)). The post holder will use cutting edge computational and laboratory approaches to generate chromosomal assemblies for sequenced genomes, study chromosomal structures and differences be...

    2123 days ago

ResearchLabs posts

  • Troyanskaya Lab

    ...ems. Research Interest Genomic Data Integration Microarray Analysis Gene and Protein Function Prediction Detection and Analysis of Chromosomal Abnormalities and Functional...

    3847 days ago

