Results for "Config"



  • Synima: Synteny Imaging tool

    ...age, and a pipeline for their use. Synima has a range of graphical parameters including size, colours, order, and labels, which are specified in a config file generated by the first r...

    2330 days ago

  • BBmap Magic !

    ...depending on the file extension the input/output format is automatically chosen/set.Note: For most programs in BBTools, you can add the parameter "config=foo.txt". Every line in "foo....

    2284 days ago

  • +2 more Bookmarks


  • Download blasr 1.3 version

    ...r/local/bin/samtools view - -h -S -b > FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bamrm FALCON-Unzip-Scaff-with-repeat.bam/home/urbe/Tools/OPERA-LG_v2.0.6/bin/OPERA-LG config > logAnalyzing 1 library:...

    2144 days ago


Top-level pages



  • BioLinux Ubuntu Desktop folder and files disappeared !!

    Restarted my BioLinux ubuntu computer after an update, and when I logged back in, I noticed that all of my files went missing. Instead of Desktop folder, icons of all of my home folder are showed on desktop. Then I thaught it migh be a problem of graphical display and I opened the terminal out o...

    Tags: Linux, Ubuntu, Updates, Desktop, Disappeared, Nautilus, Config, Edit, BioLinux

    2994 days ago
