Results for "Correct"


  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...ompletes successfully and says the reads were correctly paired, then you can their genomic origin, so you will know the correct answer when mapping.Bear in m...and from the right end; both will retain the correct original qualities. And " /1"...

    2262 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...or information on prokaryotic proteins that undergo serine, threonine, or tyrosine phosphorylation. PNU -- Protein Naming Utility Determine correct names for proteins. POOD...

    1985 days ago

  • +1 more Blogs


  • valet

    ...checks a number of properties that should hold true for a correct assembly (e.g., mate-pairs are aligned at the correct distance from each other in t...erall estimate of the likelihood a particular assembly is correct. Home Page:  V...

    2774 days ago

  • Minia

    ...e parameters. For more information, refer to the manual. KmerGenie can be used to determine the best k-mer size, minimum abundance of correct k-mers, and genome size estim...

    2697 days ago

  • +24 more Bookmarks



  • Linux SSH Client Commands for Bioinformatics

    ...dquo;yes” to the message below, is to call your sysadmin and identify why you got the host key changed message and verify whether it is the correct host key or not.localhost$ ss...

    3697 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...bly (more contiguous and more correct). GAM-NGS shows its full pote...dering contigs, closing gaps, correcting sequence errors and transf...also provides tools for error correction, sequence-to-read 0.3.5 – Detect & Correct Substitution Sequencing Error...

    2677 days ago

Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Remove the unwanted characters from Fasta file: sed -e '/^[^>]/s/[^ATGCatgc]/N/g' infile.fa #sed #unwanted #illegal #remove #correct #fasta #linux

    2336 days ago

  • Next generation error correction #Error #Correct #NGS #Algorithms

    2024 days ago

  • +1 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts



  • BASH script for SelfBLAST a genome

    ...-dbtype nucl -out $MYDB fi if [ $1 = "extract" ] then echo "Extracting the sequence $2 for you from $FASTAFILE -- MAKE SURE U HAVE ADDED CORRECT NAME" samtools faidx Merge...

    2644 days ago

  • BloomFilter

    .../configure --prefix=/home/urbe/Tools/bloomfilter && make install zsh: correct 'install' to 'INSTALL' [nyae]...boost/path --prefix=/home/urbe/Tools/bloomfilter && make install zsh: correct 'install' to 'INSTALL' [nyae]...

    2143 days ago

  • +9 more Bio-Scripts
