Results for "DataBase"


  • Explore taxdump files !

    ...fields: tax_id -- node id in GenBank taxonomy database parent tax_id -- parent node id in GenBank taxonomy database rank -- rank of this n...s file has these fields: division id -- taxonomy database division id division cde...

    1543 days ago

  • Useful links to therapy, disease, drug and drug-target network data:

    ...ations Thomson Investigational drugs database including information on sites/entrez?db=omim PDTD: 3D drug target structure database with a target identification...

    1429 days ago

  • 10 NGS services companies around the globe !

    ..., targeted, transcriptomics, metagenome, and epigenome sequencing.  The company also provides a variety of services such as oligo synthesis, database construction, genome research...

    1254 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for telomere to telomere assembly !

    ...n (Anton Bankevich @AntonBankevich)● uLTRA – tool for splice alignment of long transcriptomic reads to a genome, guided by a database of exon annotations. (Kristof...

    987 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    ...s on Apache web server, is written in PHP, and uses MySQL/MariaDB as a database backend, so you will need to...iguration changes. systemctl restart apache2 Step 3 – Create a Database for Elgg Next, you will need...

    706 days ago

  • List of comparative genomics resources !

    ...coDing Orthologous Regions A database resource of developmentally a...arative Genometrics (CG) -- a database dedicated to biometric compar...MBGD -- Microbial genome database for comparative analysis Con...hensive suite of programs and databases for comparative analysis of...

    672 days ago

  • Understanding DUMP files from NCBI Taxonomy database !

    ...- node id in GenBank taxonomy database   parent tax_id -- pare...t node id in GenBank taxonomy database   rank -- rank of division id -- taxonomy database division id division cde --...med_id -- unique id in PubMed database (0 if not in PubMed) medline...

    655 days ago

  • Common methods to discover tandem repeats

    ...epeats in DNA sequences. It works by comparing the input sequence to a database of known repeats and then identifies any tandem repeats that match those in the database. PCR-based methods: Poly...

    418 days ago

  • 16sRNA Database Download

    ..., it's important to note that databases can vary based on your speci...n how you can obtain 16S rRNA databases: NCBI (National Center...uences from NCBI's Nucleotide database ( is another comprehensive database for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequ...

    6 days ago