Results for "Methods"


  • Sequence analysis (methods) #Methods #NGS #Sequence #Bioinformatics

    Tags: Methods, NGS, Sequence, Bioinformatics

    3549 days ago

  • Recommend/Worth to buy this book for starters in bioinformatics #Bioinfo #CompBio #Methods #Algo

    Tags: Bioinfo, CompBio, Methods, Algo

    3460 days ago

  • Interesting Bioinformatics Resources !

    1. a reproducible workflow. This two minute video will change your mind on reproducible research  2. Parallel sequencing lives, or what makes large sequencing projects successful

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Resources, Tools, Methods

    534 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an essential step in many types of genomic analysis, such as variant calling and gene expression analysis. Here are some general steps to follow for mapping reads to a genome: Choose a read mapper: There are many read mappers availab...

    Tags: Reads, Mapping, Steps, Methods, NGS

    417 days ago

  • The Brent Lab

    The Brent Lab is developing and applying computational methods for mapping gene regulation networks, modeling them quantitatively, and engineering new behaviors into them.

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Michael Brent, computational, methods

    2270 days ago

  • LRCstats: a tool for evaluating long reads correction methods

    LRCstats is an open-source pipeline for benchmarking DNA long read correction algorithms for long reads outputted by third generation sequencing technology such as machines produced by Pacific Biosciences. The reads produced by third generation sequencing technology, as the name suggests, are lon...

    Tags: LRCstats, tool, evaluation, long, reads, correction, methods

    2076 days ago

  • ForBio and UiB course: Introduction to phylogenetic methods

    The is an introductory course that is aimed at students who will need to preform phylogenetic analyses in their work, but who have little or no experience with phylogenetic analyses. The ForBio component of the course is focused on the practical aspects of phylogenetic analyses and students that ...

    Tags: ForBio, UiB, course, Introduction, phylogenetic, methods

    1595 days ago

  • VG: variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping, and variant calling methods

    Variation graphs provide a succinct encoding of the sequences of many genomes. A variation graph (in particular as implemented in vg) is composed of: nodes, which are labeled by sequences and ids edges, which connect two nodes via either of their respective ends paths, describe genomes,...

    Tags: VG, variation, graph, structures, interchange, formats, alignment, genotyping, variant, calling, methods, snp

    1553 days ago

  • Spades tutorial PDF

    SPAdes—St. Petersburg genome Assembler—was originally developed for de novo assembly of genome sequencing data produced for cultivated microbial isolates and for single-cell genomic DNA sequencing. With time, the functionality of SPAdes was extended to enable assembly of IonTorrent da...

    Tags: spades, assembly, protocols, tutorials, steps, methods

    818 days ago

  • kebabs: package provides functionality for kernel based analysis of biological sequences via Support Vector Machine (SVM) based methods

    The kebabs package provides functionality for kernel based analysis of biological sequences via Support Vector Machine (SVM) based methods. Biological sequences include DNA, RNA, and amino acid (AA) sequences. Sequence kernels define similarity measures between sequences. The package im...

    Tags: kebabs, package, kernel, analysis, biological, sequences, Support, Vector, Machine, SVM, methods, kmer

    787 days ago