Results for "R"


  • Jitendra Narayan

    About me: BioinformaticsOnline(BOL) founder. Within the broad domain of bioinformatics and computational biolo...s evolution. I (We) develop certain computational pipeline, a...:// Github @ h...Brief description: BioinformaticsOnline(BOL) adminInterests: BioinformaticsInterests: Chromosomal BreakpointsInterests: Evolutionary BiologyInterests: Molecular EvolutionInterests: RotifersSkills: BioinformaticsSkills: RSkills: BioconductorSkills: PerlSkills: BioPerlContact email: info@bioinformaticsonline.comWebsite:

    46 days ago

  • Jai Singh

    About me: I am a computational biologist and currently working on system biology.Brief description: Insilico Biology LoverInterests: Exploring Gene NetworksSkills: Bioinformatics

    4056 days ago

  • +652 more Users




  • Linux Cheat Sheet

    In an attempt to find a good Linux reference for bioinformatician and BOL readers, I was unsuccessful at finding a decent one on the Internet. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet for biological programmers.

    4091 days ago

  • Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

    The Regular Expression are the sole of Perl language, and for bioinformatician it is just a magical stick to resolve gingatic string data. W...good and user friendly regular expression cheat sheet, hence writ...g, assertions and some sample patterns to get you started.

    4091 days ago

  • +60 more Files

Discussion topics


  • Bio++ : C Language libraries for your biological need

    ...ways been a language that never attempts to tie a programmer down - it allows for...s in C - extending it by supporting features meant to encoura...ating Hidden Markov Models,Improved numerical tools (numerica...).Tree consensus methods, bipartitions, bootstrap value compu...

    4086 days ago

  • Ruby Language

    Ruby was created by Yukihiro Matsumoto, who wished to create a new language that balanced functional programming with imperative prog...pass interpreted language. There is currently no specificatio.../ProgrammingRuby/ The Top 10 Reasons The Ruby Programming La...

    4086 days ago

  • +35 more Pages

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biological predictions and analysis" -- Jitendra Narayan "The mathematical,...1) the development of new algorithms and statistics with whic...hence computation, is necessary. This applies in particular...tional annotation in the comparison of whole genomes. Several...

    4086 days ago

  • BioProgramming

    The completion of the first human genome drafts was just a start of the modern DNA sequencing era which res...ncing” (HT-NGS). The decreasing genome sequencing cost...d bioinformatics tools. In oder to develope sotware/tools bio...ub-section of this page [ see right hand side of the page for...

    4086 days ago

  • +117 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • For me as a newcomer bioinformatician this BOL website is my first love in Bioinformatics #BOLover

    4082 days ago

  • Video feature on BOL give an option to add bioinformatics video lectures/tutorials #BOLvideo #BOLover

    4056 days ago

  • +1588 more Wire posts


  • Genomic Impact

    The ongoing genomic research in USA contributed $31 billion to the U.S. gross national product and helped support 152,000 jobs.  Reference:

    4091 days ago

  • useR!

    The R project actively supports two conference series, organized regularly by members from the R community: useR! - providing a forum to the R user community - and DSC - a platform for developers of statistical software. Re...

    4090 days ago

  • +215 more News

Opportunity posts

  • 6 PhD Students @ TU Dresden

    At TU Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science, the DFG Research Training Group GRK 1907 “Role-based Software Infrastructures for continuo...entoring and qualification approach are arranged with of a CV, the names of two referees, transcipts of documen...

    4086 days ago

  • Research Associate(s)

    CSIR-INSTITUTE OF HIMALAYAN BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) PALAMPUR (H.P.)...will be coterminus with the duration of the projects. Interes...alifications: Ph.D. in Bioinformatics. Desirable: Working...d in pathogenesis as evident from publication(s) in reputed j...

    4083 days ago

  • +610 more Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Donnelly Centre of Cellular & Biomolecular Research (CCBR), Bader Lab

    We study the organization and evolution of biolog...computational biology and bioinformatics techniques. We seek to accurately predict links, such as s...cs data like genome sequence and transcript profiles. We are inte...oftware. Predicting biologically relevant protein interactions...

    4086 days ago

  • IBL laboratory

    The IBL laboratory focuses on the multi-disciplinary analyses of the global responses of model microorganisms, cyanobacteria (mai...803) and yeasts (mainly Saccharomyces cerevisae) to environme...grative-et-genetique-moleculaire-sbigem/laboratoire-de-biolog...

    4058 days ago

  • +157 more ResearchLabs posts


  • Bioinformatician become producer/director !!!

    If a Bioinformatician starts producing Hindi Bollywood m...BLAST : Eak khoj Munna Bhai Promoter Gene se Genome tak. M...I wale Data le jayenge  Raju ban gaya Genefinder. Har...gaya. BLASTana FASTAna. Hamari Sequence aapke pass hai. BL...f Rehta Hai PDB Ek Numbari Structure Dus Numbari GCG Karo S...

    4057 days ago

  • Perl Poem: Parse it in both Perl and English!

    Larry's, er, corpus has fortunately been overshadowed by that of the reigning Perl Poet, Sharon Hopk...d "Camels and Needles: Computer Poetry Meets the Perl Program...both the Economist and the Guardian: #!/usr/bin/perl APPEAL...ength(of-days) # listen (a perl poem)# Sharon Hopkins# rev....

    4057 days ago

  • +10 more Fun





  • Interview with a bioinformatician series ...

    The aim of this series to interviews some notable bioinformaticians to get their views on various aspects of bioinformatics research. Hopefully these answers will prove u...ful to others in the field, especially to those who are just starting their bioinfor...

    3555 days ago

  • Tryst with a Bioinformatician # Dr Altan Kara

      Dr Altan Kara is a Bioinformatics specialist at the faculty of Gene Engineering and Biotechnology Institut...lexibility. As well known, there are highly diverse and compl...NSCLC will be determined and relations with the clinical, tu...rokaryotic TCS protein structure prediction and inhibitor des...

    2500 days ago


  • Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics as a business, not to be confused with bioinformatics as a field of study, is at an interesting crossroads. As an academic bra...mains mostly what it always was — a cross-disciplinary endeavor betw...s, and it has received a lot of bad press lately, some of it deserve...

    4091 days ago

  • Genome Hackers

    Genome Hackers

    INTIMATE secrets hidden in your DNA could be stolen without you even realising. By taking a glass from which you have drunk, a "genome hacker" could obtai...A variants that help determine your susceptibility to a wide rang...ten sophiticated genetic codes. Here we will discuss the broad ar...

    4091 days ago

  • +22 more Groups


  • useR!

    The R project actively supports two conference series, organized regularly by members from the R community: useR! - providing a forum to the R user community - and DSC - a platform for developers of statistical software. Recently useR! conference have been organized University of Castilla-L...

    Tags: useR! Conference, R

    4090 days ago

  • Try R Online

    One of the best R tutorial website, which provide an online interative interface to try and learn R language without any hassle. Link @

    Tags: R, Try R, Learn R, R Tutorial

    4085 days ago

  • +16 more Tags
