Results for "Scaffolding"


  • mScaffolder: A comparative genome scaffolding tool

    A comparative genome scaffolding tool based on MUMmer mScaffolder scaffolds a genome using an existing high quality genome as the reference. It aligns the two genomes using nucmer utility from MUMmer and then orders and orients the contigs of the candidate genome guided by their alignments to th...

    Tags: mScaffolder, comparative, genome, scaffolding, tool, genome, contigs, scaffolds

    2150 days ago

  • ARCS: scaffolding genome drafts with linked reads

    ARCS requires two input files: Draft assembly fasta file Interleaved linked reads file (Barcode sequence expected in the BX tag of the read header or in the form "@readname_barcode" ; Run Long Ranger basic on raw chromium reads to produce this interleaved file)

    Tags: ARCS, scaffolding, genome, drafts, linked, reads

    1964 days ago

  • ALLHiC: Phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data

    The major problem of scaffolding polyploid genome is that Hi-C signals are frequently detected between allelic haplotypes and any existing stat of art Hi-C scaffolding program links the allelic haplotypes together. To solve the problem, we developed a new Hi-C scaffolding pipeline, called ALLHIC,...

    Tags: ALLHiC, Phasing, scaffolding, polyploid, genomes, Hi-C, data, assembly

    1961 days ago

  • RePS: Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding, a WGS sequence assembler

    RePS (Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding), a WGS sequence assembler, that explicitly identifies exact kmer repeats from the shotgun data and removes them prior to the assembly. The established software Phrap is used to compute meaningful error probabilities for each base. Clone-end-pairing info...

    Tags: RePS, Repeat, masked, Phrap, scaffolding, WGS, sequence, assembler

    1582 days ago

  • CSAR-web: a web server of contig scaffolding using algebraic rearrangements

    CSAR-web is a web-based tool that allows the users to efficiently and accurately scaffold (i.e. order and orient) the contigs of a target draft genome based on a complete or incomplete reference genome from a related organism.  CSAR-web can serve as a convenient and useful scaffolding tool ...

    Tags: CSAR-web, web, server, contig, scaffolding, algebraic, rearrangements

    1485 days ago

  • HapSolo: An optimization approach for removing secondary haplotigs during diploid genome assembly and scaffolding.

    Despite marked recent improvements in long-read sequencing technology, the assembly of diploid genomes remains a difficult task. A major obstacle is distinguishing between alternative contigs that represent highly heterozygous regions. If primary and secondary contigs are not properly identified,...

    Tags: HapSolo, optimization, approach, remove, secondary, haplotigs, diploid, genome, assembly, scaffolding

    1285 days ago

  • HapSolo: An optimization approach for removing secondary haplotigs during diploid genome assembly and scaffolding

    HapSolo, that identifies secondary contigs and defines a primary assembly based on multiple pairwise contig alignment metrics. HapSolo evaluates candidate primary assemblies using BUSCO scores and then distinguishes among candidate assemblies using a cost function. The cost function can be define...

    Tags: HapSolo, optimization, approach, removing, secondary, haplotigs, diploid, genome, assembly, scaffolding

    1091 days ago

  • RagTag: a collection of software tools for scaffolding and improving modern genome assemblies

    RagTag is a collection of software tools for scaffolding and improving modern genome assemblies. Tasks include: Homology-based misassembly correction Homology-based assembly scaffolding and patching Scaffold merging

    Tags: RagTag, software, tools, scaffolding, improving, modern, genome, assemblies

    966 days ago