Results for "Statistics and Probability"


  • The DNA of a Successful Bioinformatician decoded !!!

    Many blogs exist about successful great technical abilities, and have the will to be that over...up.. because you need diverse and multidisciplinary knowledge t...ter to us, then I believe the probability is higher that we fai...yone have their own strengths and weaknesses, just like us. It's import...

    3704 days ago

  • Five key traits to seek out in potential bioinformatics candidates !!!

    Genomics and proteomics data are being col.... In fact, there are huge demands for expert biological data a...invaluable because they know and understand the significance o...y to make a larger investment and hire a bioinformatician to ga...background in mathematics and statistics is also an indispensab...

    3188 days ago

  • Important Journals, Blogs and Forums for Bioinformaticians

    Journals. Most journals have RSS feeds for their current updates. B...rmatics - RSS feed of current and advance online publications Genome...son Moore's Epistasis Blog 23andMe - the Spitoon Variance...informatics, … Simply Statistics: A statistics blog by Rafa Irizarry,...

    2640 days ago

  • String graph based genome assembly software and tools !

    ...of ABySS assembler and Richard Durbin. iii) Simpson-Du...e third phase uses paired end and/or mate pair data to build sc...bler has been assessed on a standard benchmark, showing that fa...adaptive seeds that have high probability to appear uniquely in the gen...

    2326 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician ! Mapping Nanopore reads BB..." will end up in "matched.fq" and all other reads will end up i...l variable, which decides the probability that a read be genera...with names in your name list, and keeps the rest. To include th...a out=mutant.fasta id=99 $ ref=mutant.fasta out=reads....

    2268 days ago

  • Popular bioinformatics educational resources !

    Followings are the list of popular bioinformatics educational Bio research and development. Has course information and research information. Isb-si...teomics, computer science and statistics. Research, training, news and events, resources and support, director's message,...

    2190 days ago

  • Useful Bioinformatics Analysis Tools !

    CoMeta Classificier of reads from metagenomic sequencing experiments. &b...(even containing hundreds of thousands of sequences). • ..., A., Gudys, A., FAMSA: Fast and accurate multiple sequence al...orowicz, S., KMC 3: counting and manipulating k -mer statistics,...

    860 days ago

  • SLURM Commands

    SLURM commands The following table shows SLURM commands on the SOE cluster. CommandDescription sbatch Sub...m.out # file to collect standard output #SBATCH --error=sl...mat=list The command below, for example, provides...jobid> To get statistics...

    666 days ago

  • Calculate the significance of the difference between two trends

    To calculate the sig...ine your null hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (H1)....endent, normally distributed, and has equal variances. Cal...c. The p-value represents the probability of obtaining a test s...l, reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant...

    415 days ago