Results for "enzyme"



  • Precision Medicine

    ...nanotechnology to deliver precise cure/diagnotics to a specific patient. Examples: The drug imatinib (Gleevec) designed to inhibit an altered enzyme produced by a fused version o...

    3899 days ago

  • Enzyme Portal

    Enzyme Portal- To look for information about the biology of a protein with enzymatic activity. The enzyme portal integrates many resour...rtal. Its main goal is to provide information about enzymes in a suitable format, with a...

    3889 days ago

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  • DNA Transcription (Advanced)

    ...e recipe for a protein. A mediator protein complex arrives carrying the enzyme RNA polymerase. It manoeuvres...ode on the template strand. The sub-units can be seen here entering the enzyme through its intake hole and t...

    3377 days ago