Results for "linux"


  • Installing Perl GD Module

    In comparative genome analysis work, we usually compare more than two genomes and looks for syntenic regions amongst them. In my research I used Evolution Highway (RH), which is a collaborative project designed to provide a visual means for simultaneously comparing...

    Tags: Perl, GD, Modules, Circos, Evolution Highway, MAc Os, MS Window, Linux

    3933 days ago

  • BioLinux Ubuntu Desktop folder and files disappeared !!

    Restarted my BioLinux ubuntu computer after an update, and when I logged back in, I noticed that all of my files went missing. Instead of Desktop folder, icons of all of my home folder are showed on desktop. Then I thaught it migh be a problem of graphical display and I opened the terminal out o...

    Tags: Linux, Ubuntu, Updates, Desktop, Disappeared, Nautilus, Config, Edit, BioLinux

    2994 days ago

  • Installing Perl environment on Linux

    By using plenv, you can easily install and switch among different version of Perl. This will be installed under your home directory in~/.plenv. Install latest Perl (with supporting multithreading) and CPANMinus. $ cd $ git clone git:// ~/.plenv $ git clon...

    Tags: Install, Perl, environment, Linux, plenv, CPAN, CPANMinus

    2315 days ago

  • Installing Bandage on Ubunty !

    The following instructions successfully build Bandage ( ) on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04: Ensure the package lists are up-to-date: sudo apt-get update Install prerequisite packages: sudo apt-get install build-essential git qtbase5-dev libqt5...

    Tags: Install, Bandage, Ubuntu, Linux, Make, Tools, Genome, Assembly

    2182 days ago

  • Setting python version as default on Linux

    If you have a later version than 2.6 you'll need to set 2.6 as the default Python. Later versions would be 2.7 and 3.1; see what you have by typing python -V at the terminal. For purposes of this example we'll assume you have 3.1 installed. You'll next need to execute the following commands: ...

    Tags: Python, Version, Setting, Ubuntu, Linux

    2063 days ago

  • Linux advantages

    Tags: linux, windows

    1550 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for beginners !

    I often use the following arguments to perl: -e Makes the line of code be executed instead of a script -n Forces your line to be called in a loop. Allows you to take lines from the diamond operator (or stdin) -p Forces your line to be called in a loop. Prints $_ at the end   This ...

    Tags: perl, oneliner, linux, handy, script, codes

    1374 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    Elgg is an open-source and highly customizable framework used for building an online social environment. It provides a simple and powerful user interface that helps to manage and build your content through a web browser. Elgg offers a rich set of features including messaging, microblogging, file-...

    Tags: elgg, host, ubuntu, linux, elgg3.x

    705 days ago

  • SLURM Commands

    SLURM commands The following table shows SLURM commands on the SOE cluster. CommandDescription sbatch Submit batch scripts to the cluster scancel Signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm. sinfo View information about SLURM nodes and partitions. s...

    Tags: slurm, commands, linux, server

    662 days ago